Here are some of our recent accomplishments!


Employee of the Quarter.

We would like to Congratulate Bobbie Cummins for all she does for the residents as well as the staff at Hocking Valley.  

Congratulations Bobbie!


On October 4th, 2023 Supervisor Britt Dodson celebrated his 30th Anniversary at Hocking Valley. Britt is the one of the original employees, and has been here since the facility opened in 1993. Britt reached Legend Status in the early days of HVCRC and still amazes us to this day. If you see him on a Sunday during visitation, be sure to say “Hi”.


Congratulations Britt!


As we celebrated a Happy New Year in 2022, the staff and residents of HVCRC acknowledged Brian Baileys 25th Anniversary. Unfortunately Brian was unable to celebrate with us this year, but I think he knows how much we all appreciate him. Brian has been a mainstay at Hocking Valley since 1997. Many young men have been able to benefit from his wisdom. It is rumored that Brian loves his job at HVCRC almost as much as he loves his baseball cards.


Congratulations Brian!



On September 5, 2020 HVCRC Youth Specialist Kathy Bailey celebrated her 20th Anniversary. Kathy is is always smiling and is always willing to help out.  As with her husband Brian, many young men have benefited from her good work. 


Congratulations Kathy!

On July 9, 2021 HVCRC celebrated the 15th Anniversary of our Supervisor Darrell Gladish. Darrell was hired in 2006 as a Youth Specialist and became a Supervisor in 2010. Darrell takes pride in planning family events for our young men. Darrell enjoys picking up a fishing rod and taking the youth to Lake Erie for a chartered fishing trip from time to time.


Congratulations Darrell!

March 6, 2022 marks the 15th Anniversary of our very own Neil Sommers. Neil has been the Program Coordinator for 6 years. He has held many different positions in his time at HVCRC, and he has taken all of that knowledge with him to his current position. You can always count on Neil to lighten the mood and make you laugh (as long as you like Dad Jokes).


Congratulations Neil!