The Citizen’s Advisory Board serves as a link between the population, programs, and communities affiliated with Hocking Valley Community Residential Center.  The Board is required to meet at least annually to review the agency’s purpose, mission, and goals.  Other board responsibilities include:

  • Assisting in the development of additional resources
  • Reviewing the facilities plans to reduce commitments to ODYS
  • Reviewing the mission policy and practices
  • Reviewing and evaluating the agency’s plan to ensure that minority youth have equal access to the facility and its programs
  • Providing advice and consultation regarding the overall program
  • Providing advice for the agency’s training program
  • Advocating on behalf of the facility within their local communities. 

The Citizen’s Advisory Board members are made up of community members who have an interest in our facility and programing. Members can be appointed by the Juvenile Court Judge in their residing counties. After they are appointed, they serve on the board until they resign on their own terms. The goal is for HVCRC to have a member from each county we serve.