It’s not unusual for a Bobcat from nearby Ohio University to stop by our campus, but on July 17th 2021 this Bobcat stopped as he passed through the area on a Saturday Afternoon.
*The photograph is a screenshot from a video that was taken by a parent of one of our residents.* |
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Visitation takes place every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm.
- Other days and/or times may be arranged if there are extenuating circumstances preventing visitation during these standard times.
- Visitation is limited to persons pre-approved by the youth’s court and Child and Family Team. Youth may also receive letters and telephone calls from the pre-approved team members.
Visitation Rules and Guidelines for Child Family Team Members
1. Visitors will be limited to parents, foster parents, siblings, grandparents, and others significant in the life of the residents. ALL VISITORS MUST BE ON THE APPROVED VISITORS LIST PRIOR TO ANY VISIT. All visitors would be prepared to present picture identification upon entry to the Center. Approved visitors will be determined by the resident’s Child / Family Team.
2. Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent. If a visitor is under the age of 18 and not accompanied by a parent, the underage visitor must have a permission letter from his or her parent. The letter must include: 1) the name of the person responsible for the youth; 2) the name of the youth’s parents; and 3) a verifiable phone number to confirm permission.
3. Children must be supervised by a parent at all times. Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave the Center.
4. Regular visitation will be Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
5. All visitors are required to register upon entry to the Center. If visitors leave the visitation area during visitation, they will not be permitted to return. The only exceptions are a medical emergency or bathroom visits.
6. Staff will be present in the visitation area for supervision and to answer questions about the Center and the resident’s progress in the program.
7. All personal property items including coats, purses, cell phones, keys, etc., must be placed in the lockers in the lobby or left in personal vehicles. HVCRC is not responsible for personal property.
8. Parents are responsible to follow the food and drink rules for visitation. Only food items and drinks purchased from the vending machines in the lobby are permitted (for youth and parents). You must purchase the snack and drink before entering the visitation area. Residents may have only one food item and one drink per visit. Youth in Zone 1 are not permitted to have soda pop. Bottled water is available from the vending machine. Food items may not be taken from visitation. Youth are not permitted to handle money.
9. Visitors who attempt to falsify information to obtain entrance will be charged with FALSIFICATION (Ohio Revised Code 2921.13).
10. Visitors who attempt to smuggle contraband into the Center will be charged with ILLEGAL CONVEYANCE OF PROHIBITED ITEMS INTO A DETENTION CENTER (Ohio Revised Code 2921.36).
11. SMOKING on the property of HVCRC is prohibited. Anyone smoking on the grounds will be asked to leave.
12. Visitors under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall not be permitted to visit and will be asked to leave.
13. Visitation may be denied if there is reason to believe that the visit might endanger the health and safety of our residents.
14. Any visitor who becomes disruptive during the visit will be asked to leave.
15. Violation of these rules will result in the loss of visitation privileges.
16. Tours may be given at the supervisor’s discretion.
17. Additional clothing will not be accepted unless previously requested by a Youth Specialist or Youth Specialist Supervisor. Clothing will be accepted at Team Meetings.
18. Commissary (maximum $20.00) will only be accepted at visitation and begins when youth reaches Zone II. A receipt will be issued.
19. Youth are not permitted to leave visitation until the visit is over, unless approved by Youth Specialist Supervisor.
20. Special visits may be approved during the week with the Executive Director, or Program Coordinators approval. Visitors are permitted in the pod areas only with permission of the shift supervisor.
21. Advance notice of any visit is preferred.
- The Youth Specialist Supervisor may request that a visitor leave if he feels it is appropriate. If a visitor is asked to leave, an incident report will be written by the Youth Specialist Supervisor and given to the Program Coordinator and/or Executive Director.